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Patriots Australia MMC Honor Roll

The Patriots Ode:

Only In My Brother Shall I Place My Trust,
For He Alone Is A True Patriot.

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; 
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 
At the going down of the sun and in the morning 
We will remember them."

'Lest we Forget'

Steve 'Spike' Milikin

Steve 'Spike' Milikin

29th March 2024 Queensland Chapter Spike was great & a much appreciated & admired Brother, was always willing to get in and help out, no matter what the task. He took on the Role of Discipline Office in the last few months. He will be missed by his Brothers & Sisters, but never forgotten.

Darren “Scully” Scully

Darren “Scully” Scully

16 Feb 2023 Murray Peel Chapter After a long battle with cancer. One of life’s true gentlemen, He will be sadly missed by all Patriots. Ride in Peace

Manfred 'Fred' Wawrzik

Manfred 'Fred' Wawrzik

Life Member 2022 Melbourne Chapter Vic RIP Brother you will be sadly missed by many

Douglass 'Puff' Honess

Douglass 'Puff' Honess

25 Sep 2020 Townsville Chapter After a long battle with cancer, sadly the Patriots Australia Townsville Chapter announce the death of Puff. He'll be remembered always as a true Patriot.

Paul 'Stoney' Stone

Paul 'Stoney' Stone

30 Apr 2020 Mid West Chapter Stoney was diagnosed with Leukemia which took him away from us on the 28th April 2020. He will be missed, but not forgotten.

Kenneth "Crash" Lawerence

Kenneth "Crash" Lawerence

05 Jan 2020 North of the River Chapter Crash passed away after a relatively short illness. He will be missed by all.

Eddie "Edgy" Lehr

Eddie "Edgy" Lehr

13 Jan 2017 Morton Bay Chapter RIP Brother. Ride hard, ride free.

Shane "Cargo" Dossel

Shane "Cargo" Dossel

22 Jul 2015 South Qld Chapter Sadly Missed Member South Queensland Chapter

Peter "Titty" Harris

Peter "Titty" Harris

20 Sep 2014 Murray Peel Chapter Titty was a Vietnam Vet who served his country with pride and honour. He will be sadly missed by all Patriots.

John 'Jock' Mc Kinna

John 'Jock' Mc Kinna

26 Jan 2014 Queensland Chapter Jock still rides with us in spirit

Paul "Mango" Mangan

Paul "Mango" Mangan

24 Sep 2013 Western Australia South Ride In Peace

Lee Gail 'Tyler' Kelly

Lee Gail 'Tyler' Kelly

13 Mar 2013 Queensland Chapter Sadly missed, but always in our hearts

Denis "Dabs" Bodell

Denis "Dabs" Bodell

2 Oct 2012 Morton Bay Chapter Ride In Peace

Alan 'Alan' Birch

Alan 'Alan' Birch

11 Apr 2011 Queensland Chapter Alan passed away in April 2011. Gone but not Forgotten

David 'Grizz' Allen

David 'Grizz' Allen

11 Nov 2010 Queensland Chapter Ride In Peace.

Troy "Hughesy" Hughes

Troy "Hughesy" Hughes

22 Apr 2010 SWWA Chapter Ride In Peace

Terrence "TC" Crompton

Terrence "TC" Crompton

2010 Townsville Chapter Forever on our wall, Forever free to ride FFBFL Brother.



2010 South Australia Chapter One of life's gentleman, Goose became a Patriot Member in about 95. He served as a Medic in the Army for 14 years and saw action in the first Gulf War, where he was awarded a Nursing Cross. Unfortunately for Goose, he was wounded in action and this resulted in a Medical Discharge a few years later. When Goose joined the Patriots, he was an absolute power house and nothing was too hard for him to do, he was asset to the Club in every way possible. RIP Brother

Michael "Micky P" Pickett

Michael "Micky P" Pickett

4 Oct 2009 Townsville Chapter Forever on our wall, Forever free to ride FFBFL Brother.

Christopher "Burgie" Burge

Christopher "Burgie" Burge

20 Sep 2009 Melbourne Chapter Ride In Peace

Michael "Bones" Costello

Michael "Bones" Costello

March 2008 Queensland Chapter Ride In Peace

Wendy "Queenie" Ray

Wendy "Queenie" Ray

9 Nov 2007 Melbourne Chapter Ride In Peace

Stan "POP" Bradley

Stan "POP" Bradley

16 Jun 2005 WA Chapter Ride In Peace

Sean James Micklethwait

Sean James Micklethwait

28 Dec 2004 Townsville Chapter Forever on our wall Forever free to ride FFBFL Brother

Tony “Mr T” Attini

Tony “Mr T” Attini

Nov 2004 Queensland Chapter Rest in Peace

Brian "DOC" Barker

Brian "DOC" Barker

May 1999 NSW Chapter Ride in Peace

Peter "Reggie" Jones

Peter "Reggie" Jones

Jan 1999 Vic Chapter Ride in Peace

Richie - Patriots UK

Richie - Patriots UK

Sep 1998 Patriots UK MC Ride in Peace Brother

Darren “Scully” Scully

Darren “Scully” Scully

16 Feb 2023 Murray Peel Chapter After a long battle with cancer. One of life’s true gentlemen, He will be sadly missed by all Patriots. Ride in Peace

Manfred 'Fred' Wawrzik

Manfred 'Fred' Wawrzik

Life Member 2022 Melbourne Chapter Vic RIP Brother you will be sadly missed by many

Douglass 'Puff' Honess

Douglass 'Puff' Honess

25 Sep 2020 Townsville Chapter After a long battle with cancer, sadly the Patriots Australia Townsville Chapter announce the death of Puff. He'll be remembered always as a true Patriot.

Paul 'Stoney' Stone

Paul 'Stoney' Stone

30 Apr 2020 Mid West Chapter Stoney was diagnosed with Leukemia which took him away from us on the 28th April 2020. He will be missed, but not forgotten.

Kenneth "Crash" Lawerence

Kenneth "Crash" Lawerence

05 Jan 2020 North of the River Chapter Crash passed away after a relatively short illness. He will be missed by all.

Eddie "Edgy" Lehr

Eddie "Edgy" Lehr

13 Jan 2017 Morton Bay Chapter RIP Brother. Ride hard, ride free.

Shane "Cargo" Dossel

Shane "Cargo" Dossel

22 Jul 2015 South Qld Chapter Sadly Missed Member South Queensland Chapter

Peter "Titty" Harris

Peter "Titty" Harris

20 Sep 2014 Murray Peel Chapter Titty was a Vietnam Vet who served his country with pride and honour. He will be sadly missed by all Patriots.

John 'Jock' Mc Kinna

John 'Jock' Mc Kinna

26 Jan 2014 Queensland Chapter Jock still rides with us in spirit

Paul "Mango" Mangan

Paul "Mango" Mangan

24 Sep 2013 Western Australia South Ride In Peace

Lee Gail 'Tyler' Kelly

Lee Gail 'Tyler' Kelly

13 Mar 2013 Queensland Chapter Sadly missed, but always in our hearts

Denis "Dabs" Bodell

Denis "Dabs" Bodell

2 Oct 2012 Morton Bay Chapter Ride In Peace

Alan 'Alan' Birch

Alan 'Alan' Birch

11 Apr 2011 Queensland Chapter Alan passed away in April 2011. Gone but not Forgotten

David 'Grizz' Allen

David 'Grizz' Allen

11 Nov 2010 Queensland Chapter Ride In Peace.

Troy "Hughesy" Hughes

Troy "Hughesy" Hughes

22 Apr 2010 SWWA Chapter Ride In Peace

Terrence "TC" Crompton

Terrence "TC" Crompton

2010 Townsville Chapter Forever on our wall, Forever free to ride FFBFL Brother.



2010 South Australia Chapter One of life's gentleman, Goose became a Patriot Member in about 95. He served as a Medic in the Army for 14 years and saw action in the first Gulf War, where he was awarded a Nursing Cross. Unfortunately for Goose, he was wounded in action and this resulted in a Medical Discharge a few years later. When Goose joined the Patriots, he was an absolute power house and nothing was too hard for him to do, he was asset to the Club in every way possible. RIP Brother

Michael "Micky P" Pickett

Michael "Micky P" Pickett

4 Oct 2009 Townsville Chapter Forever on our wall, Forever free to ride FFBFL Brother.

Christopher "Burgie" Burge

Christopher "Burgie" Burge

20 Sep 2009 Melbourne Chapter Ride In Peace

Michael "Bones" Costello

Michael "Bones" Costello

March 2008 Queensland Chapter Ride In Peace

Wendy "Queenie" Ray

Wendy "Queenie" Ray

9 Nov 2007 Melbourne Chapter Ride In Peace

Stan "POP" Bradley

Stan "POP" Bradley

16 Jun 2005 WA Chapter Ride In Peace

Sean James Micklethwait

Sean James Micklethwait

28 Dec 2004 Townsville Chapter Forever on our wall Forever free to ride FFBFL Brother

Tony “Mr T” Attini

Tony “Mr T” Attini

Nov 2004 Queensland Chapter Rest in Peace

Brian "DOC" Barker

Brian "DOC" Barker

May 1999 NSW Chapter Ride in Peace

Peter "Reggie" Jones

Peter "Reggie" Jones

Jan 1999 Vic Chapter Ride in Peace

Richie - Patriots UK

Richie - Patriots UK

Sep 1998 Patriots UK MC Ride in Peace Brother

For the Fallen


With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,

England mourns for her dead across the sea.

Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,

Fallen in the cause of the free.


Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal 

Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres,

There is music in the midst of desolation

And a glory that shines upon our tears.


They went with songs to the battle, they were young,

Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.

They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted;

They fell with their faces to the foe.


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: 

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.


They mingle not with their laughing comrades again; 

They sit no more at familiar tables of home;

They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;

They sleep beyond England's foam.


But where our desires are and our hopes profound, 

Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,

To the innermost heart of their own land they are known

As the stars are known to the Night;


As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust, 

Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain;

As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness, 

To the end, to the end, they remain.

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