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The Boys & Girls of the Barwon Chapter.jpg

Welcome to the Barwon Chapter web page

President:                    Santa

Vice President:            Tallie

Secretary:                    Rocket

SGT At Arms:               Dobby

Road Captain:             Buddha

To contact the Barwon Chapter Secretary, please send an email to or call Rocket on 0417 938 313.

Welcome to Patriots Australia MMC, Barwon Chapter, we are known for ‘how we roll’.
Barwon Chapter was established in 2017 to facilitate those current and ex Serving Members of the ADF who're avid bike enthusiasts, that live out West of the Divide.  We have a Supporter element within the Chapter, that is essential to the Club, these people are from the Community, both Family and Siblings members, plus the General Public.

The Barwon Chapter is named after the Electorate of Barwon & occupies an area of 356,292 square kilometres.  We have Members all the way from the Qld border down to Macksville, covering across the State to Tamworth, Dubbo & all Towns West to Walgett and beyond.

Our Chapter supports many worthwhile Charities across our Area, our main Charity is ‘Legacy’ plus we support other Causes when we are asked for Assistance.

The Barwon Chapter prides itself by operating under the ADF values, as the way we conduct ourselves in Public, this reflects on the success of the Club Nationally.

We have a motto within the Chapter, that says ‘Every Pub is a Clubhouse’ where we make a toast to the fallen with the PAMMC Ode, at the going down of the Sun.  We like to support the smaller Communities, where any contributions to a Charity or local watering hole, will not get diluted, as in those larger communities.  Some examples are, Curlewis, Pallamallawa (great little Pub, a must visit) Baan Baa etc.

The Barwon Chapter is family orientated, so everyone is welcome to attend any Chapter Events eg. end of year Christmas party.  Or one of our Chapter / State / National AGM.  The riding Members try & organise a monthly overnight Ride to satisfy our need to get on the road, spin some warries & have a cleansing ale.


Deaks #166

Barwon Chapter PO,


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